Alexander Castilla
Ph.D student
Paris Cité University
Graduated from the University of Lille 3 (France) with a Bachelor in psychology and a European Masters’ degree in neurocognitive processes and affective Sciences (PPNSA), Alexander has worked in close collaboration with the Institute of Environmental Medicine (IEM) under the supervision of Pr. Alain Berthoz at the Collège de France. This collaboration consisted of creating a spatial navigational paradigm to assess the navigation profils in the gregarious positioning (GP). Next, Alexander joined the LaPsyDé laboratory as a PhD student, supervised by Pr. Olivier Houdé, co-directed by Pr. David Cohen and financed by the IEM. His research focuses on the study of the neuro-cognitive processes involved during cognitive/mental flexibility and the learning process in children and adolescents. At the same time, Alexander also studies the role of the cerebellum in the cognitive control process.

Castilla, A., Borst, G., Cohen, D., Fradin, J., Lefrançois, C., Houdé, O., Zaoui, M., & Berthoz, A. (2021). A New Paradigm for the Study of Cognitive Flexibility in Children and Adolescents: The “Virtual House Locomotor Maze” (VHLM). Frontiers in Psychiatry, 12. | More |