Julia Houdayer
Ph.D student
Paris Cité University
After obtaining a Master's degree in Neuropsychology and Cognitive Development, Julia completed a second Master's degree in Social Psychology (Université Libre de Bruxelles), during which she joined LaPsyDE for an internship, under the supervision of Prof. Grégoire Borst, aiming at studying the relationship between socio-economic status and the development of explicit and implicit theories of mind. Julia then worked as a research assistant on the same topic.
In October 2022, she started her PhD under the supervision of Prof. Olivier Houdé. In the continuity of her internship and her research assistant position, her thesis project intends to: (1) finely measure the effect of family socioeconomic status on the performance of explicit and implicit theories of mind in preschool and school-aged children and (2) evaluate whether family socioeconomic status affects the development of explicit and implicit theories of mind through its effect on the development of language and executive functions. The aim of this project is to understand how educational inequalities are constructed through a better understanding of the development of theories of mind in diverse social backgrounds.