Julie Navelier
Ph.D student
Paris Cité University and Clermont-Auvergne University
After earning a bachelor's and a master's degree in developmental psychology from the University of Rouen Normandy in 2022, I pursued a second master's degree in research in cognitive psychology at Université Paris Cité. During this time, I had the opportunity to complete several research internships at the Institut Jean Nicod (ENS) before joining LaPsyDE for my end-of-studies internship. Since my early research experiences, I have been particularly interested in studying the psychological mechanisms underlying social inequalities. I am now a PhD candidate under the supervision of Pr. Grégoire Borst and Pr. Céline Darnon (LAPSCO, UCA), investigating how socioeconomic status influences the development of social cognition and how these abilities can support academic achievement in higher education. In parallel, I collaborate with the Astroparticles and Cosmology Lab (Université Paris Cité) on an interventional study aiming at fostering women engagement in STEM fields.