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Margot Roell


2016/10-2019/11, 2021/04-2022/04

Ph.D student & Post-doc

Paris Cité University

Margot Röell is currently a postdoctoral research fellow at the LaPsyDÉ at the Université de Paris where she is working with Dr. Teresa Iuculano on a project aiming to examine the cognitive and cerebral factors that are fundamentals for the development of mathematics. This project also hopes to understand how factors such as sleep and stress may influence mathematical learning and mechanisms of brain plasticity.
Previously, Margot obtained her B.Sc. in Psychologie from the University of Bath, United Kingdom and her M.Sc. in Cognitive Neuroscience from the Cogmaster, France. She obtained a Ph.D. in Neuroscience at the Université de Paris, France, under the supervision of Pr. Gregoire Borst and Dr. Arnaud Viarouge. During her thesis, Margot also underwent a collaborative project at the Numerical Cognition lab in Canada with Pr. Daniel Ansari. Her thesis investigated the neuronal constraints on learning and how we adapt to them. More precisely, she studied how the brain adapts to learning new cultural tools namely reading and mathematics as well as how the brain may constrain the learning of these new cultural tools. After her thesis, Margot underwent a postdoc at Pr. Bert De Smedt’s lab at KU Leuven, Belgium, where she continued her research examining the relation between neuronal constraints and school-based learning.


Schwizer Ashkenazi, S., Roell, M., McCaskey, U., Cachia, A., Borst, G., O’Gorman Tuura, R., & Kucian, K. (2024). Are  numerical abilities determined at early age? A brain morphology study  in children and adolescents with and without developmental dyscalculia. Developmental Cognitive Neurosciences, 67, 101369.


Santacroce, F., Cachia, A., Fragueiro, A., Grande, E. D., Roëll, M.,  Baldassarre, A., Sestieri, C., & Committeri, G. (2024). Human  intraparietal sulcal morphology relates to individual differences in  language and memory performance. Communications Biology, 7(1).


Roell, M.; Cachia, A.; Matejko, A.; Houdé, O.; Ansari, D.* & Borst, G.* (2021) Sulcation of the intraparietal sulcus is related to symbolic but not non-symbolic number skills. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, 51, 100998.


Roell, M., Viarouge, A., Hilscher, E., Houdé, O., & Borst, G. (2019). Evidence for a visuospatial bias in decimal number comparison in adolescents and in adults. Scientific Reports, 9, 14770.


Roell, M., Viarouge, A., Houdé, O., & Borst, G. (2019). Inhibition of the whole number bias in decimal number comparison: A developmental negative priming study. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 177, 240-247.

Roell, M. (2019) Reading and Math: Neuronal constraints and how we adapt to them. [Doctoral dissertation, Université Paris Descartes]

Cachia, A., Roell, M., Mangin, J., Sun, Z., Jobert, A., Braga, L., Houdé, O., Dehaene, S., & Borst, G. (2018). How interindividual differences in brain anatomy shape reading accuracy. Brain Structure & Function, 223, 701–712.

Roell, M., Viarouge, A., Houdé, O., & Borst, G. (2017). Inhibitory control and decimal number comparison in school-aged children. Plos One, 12(11), e0188276.


Aïte, A., Berthoz, A., Vidal, J., Roell, M., Zaoui, M., Houdé, O., Borst, G. (2016).Taking a third-person perspective requires inhibitory control: Evidence from a developmental negative priming study. Child Development, 87, 1825-1840.

Krakowski, C.S., Poirel, N., Vidal, J., Roell, M., Pineau, A., Borst, G., & Houdé O. (2016). The forest, the trees and the leaves: Differences of processing across development. Developmental Psychology, 52, 1262-1272.

Borst, G., Ahr, E., Roell, M., & Houdé, O. (2015). The cost of blocking the mirror generalization process in reading: Evidence for the role of inhibitory control in discriminating letters with lateral mirror- image counterparts. Psychonomic Bulletin Review, 22, 228-234.

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