Maria Ghazi
Ph.D student
Paris Cité University
Editions Nathan
Maria completed a master's degree in psychology/psychopathology at Saint Joseph University of Beirut, followed by a master's degree in neuropsychology at Université Paris Cité. In her prior research work, she studied executive functioning, from a developmental and cultural perspective, in typically developing children as well as children with Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (as part of the CEF project – Child Executive Functions – of the Universities of Angers and Savoie Mont-Blanc). She also studied the role of inhibitory control in solving mathematical operations in adolescents and adults, during an internship at the LaPsyDÉ under the supervision of Grégoire Borst. In october 2022, she started her PhD at the LaPsyDÉ, under the supervision of Grégoire Borst and in close collaboration with the Les Editions Nathan, as part of the FakeAd project (LaPsyDÉ - Nathan - Ipsos) funded by the ANR. Her thesis aims to design and assess the effectiveness of educational interventions around media and information literacy as well as executive control, on fake news detection and related abilities in children and adolescents.

Roukoz, C., Guerra, A., Le Gall, D., Ghazi, M., & Roy, A. (2021). Development of executive functions in Lebanese children. Developmental Neuropsychology, 46(2), 121-135. |