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Olívia Bogo


Visiting ph.D student

Paris Cité University, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro

Olívia Fernandes Bogo is currently a doctoral student at LaPsyDÉ at the Paris Cité University, under the supervision of Alex de Carvalho. At the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro in Brazil, she works under the advice of Aniela França. Her thesis aims to investigate the neurophysiological and cognitive differences in the acquisition and processing of abstract and concrete words by babies, acquiring Brazilian Portuguese.
Olívia obtained her master's degree in Linguistics from the Federal University of Juiz de Fora, in Brazil, where she developed her research in the Laboratory of the Nucleus for Studies in Language Acquisition and Psycholinguistics (NEALP). Olívia has a degree in Languages (Portuguese, English and Italian and their respective literatures) from the Federal University of Juiz de Fora. Her research interests include understanding the neurocognitive structures underlying natural language acquisition processes, lexical acquisition by infants, and the interfaces of language with other neurocognitive processes.


Bogo Fernandes, O. (2023). Argumentative  articulators: a teaching proposal from the perspective of  socio-discursive interactionism and sentential semantics.In: Ana Paula Quadros Gomes. (Org.). Explorando O Significado Em Sala De Aula. 1ed.Campinas - SP: Pontes, v. 1, p. 140-161.

Bogo Fernandes, O. (2023). A aquisição da concordância de gênero entre N e ADJ por crianças brasileiras. Letrônica, v. 16, n. 1, p. e44175-e44175, 2023.

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