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Sabrina Bouhassoun


Ph.D student

Paris Cité University
Hamelin Group

After graduating a Master’s degree in Neuropsychology and Cognitive Psychology at Paris Descartes University, Sabrina was involved in an INSERM research protocol at La Pitié-Salpêtrière University Hospital and at the AP-HP Hospitals (Assistance Publique-Hôpitaux de Paris). Since 2015, she is a lecturer in the Department of Psychology at University of Paris. Sabrina joined the LaPsyDé in september 2019 to start a PhD under the supervision of Professor Nicolas Poirel, as part of a CIFRE grant with Oxford Education Department of Hamelin Group France. Her doctoral project aims to study the impact of visual learning supports used by students in class on their cognitive functioning. Specifically, she investigates the impact of visual features such as color during cognitive tasks resolution, from visual attention to creativity abilities.


Bouhassoun, S.*, Poirel, N.*, Hamlin, N., & Doucet, G. (2022). The forest, the trees, and the leaves across adulthood: Age-related changes on a visual search task containing three-level hierarchical stimuli. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 84, 1004-1015.


Bouhassoun, S., Naveau, M., Delcroix, N., & Poirel, N. (2022). Approach in green, avoid in red? Examining interindividual variabilities and personal color preferences through continuous measures of specific meaning associations. Psychological Research.

Bouhassoun, S., Gerlach, C., Borst, G., & Poirel, N. (2021). Framing the area: An efficient approach for avoiding visual interference and optimizing visual search in adolescents. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 75(11), 2012–2022.

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