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Wim De Neys


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Wim De Neys is a Research Director at the French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS). After earning his Ph.D. in cognitive psychology at the University of Leuven (Belgium) and post-doctoral training at the University of California Santa Barbara (USA) and York University (Toronto, Canada) he joined CNRS in 2009. In his work on human thinking, he uses a combination of behavioural, neuroscientific and developmental methods to unravel how intuitive and deliberate thought processes interact.


Franiatte, N., Boissin, E., Delmas, A., & De Neys, W. (2024).  Adieu Bias: Debiasing Intuitions Among French Speakers. Psychologica Belgica, 64(1), 42-57,


Boissin, E., Caparos, S., Abi Hana, J., Bernard, C., & De Neys, W. (2024). Easy-fix attentional focus manipulation boosts the intuitive and  deliberate use of base-rate information. Memory & Cognition.

Franiatte, N., Boissin, E., Delmas, A., & De Neys, W. (2024).  Boosting debiasing: Impact of repeated training on reasoning. Learning & Instruction, 89, 101845.


Boissin, E., Josserand, M. De Neys, W., & Caparos, S. (2024). Debiasing thinking among non-WEIRD reasoners. Cognition, 243, 105681.


Voudouri, A., Białek, M., & De Neys, W. (2024). Fast & Slow Decisions Under Risk: Intuition Rather than Deliberation Drives Advantageous Choices. Cognition, 250, 105837.

Boissin, E., Caparos, S., & De Neys, W. (2023). Examining the role of deliberation in de-bias training. Thinking & Reasoning.

Boissin, E., Caparos, S., & De Neys, W. (2023). No easy fix for belief bias during syllogistic reasoning? Journal of Cognitive Psychology, 1–21.


Voudouri, A., Bago, B., Borst, G., & De Neys, W. (2023). Reasoning  and cognitive control, fast and slow. Judgment and Decision Making, 18,  E33.     


De Neys, W. (2022). Advancing theorizing about fast-and-slow thinking. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 1–68.


Boissin, E., Caparos, S., Voudouri, A., & De Neys, W. (2022). Debiasing System 1: Training favours logical over stereotypical intuiting. Judgment and Decision Making, 17(4), 646–690.


Voudouri, A., Bialek, M., Domurat, A., Kowal, M., & De Neys, W. (2022). Conflict detection predicts the temporal stability of intuitive and deliberate reasoning. Thinking & Reasoning, 1-29.


Raoelison, M., Boissin, E., Borst, G., & De Neys, W. (2021). From slow to fast logic: The development of logical intuitions. Thinking & Reasoning, 27(4), 599‑622.


De Neys, W. (2021). On Dual- and Single-Process Models of Thinking. Perspectives on Psychological Science, 16(6), 1412–1427.


Boissin, E., Caparos, S., Raoelison, M., & De Neys, W. (2021). From bias to sound intuiting: Boosting correct intuitive reasoning. Cognition, 211, 104645.


Raoelison, M., Thompson, V. A., & De Neys, W. (2020). The smart intuitor: Cognitive capacity predicts intuitive rather than deliberate thinking. Cognition, 204, 104381.


Salvia, E., Mevel, K., Borst, G., Poirel, N., Simon, G., Orliac, F., Etard, O., Hopfensitz, A., Houdé, O., Bonnefon, J.-F., & De Neys, W. (2020). Age-related neural correlates of facial trustworthiness detection during economic interaction. Journal of Neuroscience, Psychology, and Economics, 13(1), 19–33.


Janssen, E. M., Raoelison, M., & de Neys, W. (2020). "you’re wrong!": The impact of accuracy feedback on the bat-and-ball problem. Acta Psychologica, 206, 103042.


Mevel, K., Borst, G., Poirel, N., Simon, G., Orliac, F., Etard, O., Houdé, O., & De Neys, W. (2019). Developmental frontal brain activation differences in overcoming heuristic bias. Cortex, 117, 111–121.


De Neys, W., & Pennycook, G. (2019). Logic, Fast and Slow: Advances in Dual-Process Theorizing. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 28, 503–509.


Raoelison, M., & De Neys, W. (2019). Do we de-bias ourselves?: The impact of repeated presentation on the bat-and-ball problem. Judgment and Decision Making, 14(2), 170–178.


Bago, B., Raoelison, M., & De Neys, W. (2019). Second-guess: Testing the specificity of error detection in the bat-and-ball problem. Acta Psychologica, 193, 214–228.


Bago, B., & De Neys, W. (2019). The intuitive greater good: Testing the corrective dual process model of moral cognition. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 148(10), 1782–1801.


Frey, D., Johnson, E. D., & De Neys, W. (2018). Individual differences in conflict detection during reasoning. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 71(5), 1188-1208.


Bago, B., Frey, D., Vidal, J., Houdé, O., Borst, G., & De Neys, W. (2018). Fast and slow thinking: Electrophysiological evidence for early conflict sensitivity. Neuropsychologia, 117, 483–490.


Lanoë, C., Lubin, A., Houdé, O., Borst, G., & De Neys, W. (2017). Grammatical attraction error detection in children and adolescents. Cognitive Development, 44, 127-138.


Bago, B., & De Neys, W. (2017). Fast logic?: Examining the time course assumption of dual process theory. Cognition, 158, 90-109.


De Neys, W. (Ed.). (2017). Dual Process Theory 2.0. Oxon, UK: Routledge.

Bialek, M., & De Neys, W. (2017). Dual processes and moral conflict: Evidence for deontological reasoners’ intuitive utilitarian sensitivity. Judgment and Decision Making, 12(2), 148-167.


De Neys, W., Hopfensitz, A., Bonnefon, J.-F. (2017). Split-second trustworthiness detection from faces in an economic game. Experimental Psychology, 64(4), 231-239.


Bonnefon, J.-F., Hopfensitz, A., De Neys, W. (2017). Trustworthiness perception at zero acquaintance: consensus, accuracy, and prejudice. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 40, e4.


Bonnefon, J.-F., Hopfensitz, A., & De Neys, W. (2017). Can we detect cooperators by looking at their face? Current Directions in Psychological Science, 26(3), 276-281.


Johnson, E. D., Tubau, E.,  De Neys, W. (2016). The doubting System 1: Evidence for automatic substitution sensitivity. Acta Psychologica, 164, 56-64.

Frey, D., De Neys, W., Bago, B. (2016). The jury of intuition: Conflict detection and intuitive processing. Journal of Applied Research in Memory and Cognition, 5, 335-337.

Bialek, M., De Neys, W. (2016). Conflict detection during moral decision making: Evidence for deontic reasoners’ utilitarian sensitivity. Journal of Cognitive Psychology, 28, 631-639.

Simon, G., Lubin, A., Houdé, O., De Neys, W. (2015). Anterior cingulate cortex and intuitive bias detection during number conservation. Cognitive Neuroscience, 6, 158-168.

De Neys, W., Hopfensitz, A., Bonnefon, J. F. (2015). Adolescents gradually improve at detecting trustworthiness from the facial features of unknown adults. Journal of Economic Psychology, 47, 17-22.

Lubin, A., Houdé, O., De Neys, W. (2015). Evidence for children's error sensitivity during arithmetic word problem solving. Learning and Instruction, 40, 1-8.

Mevel, K., Poirel, N., Rossi, S., Cassotti, M., Simon, G., Houdé, O., De Neys, W. (2015). Bias detection: Response confidence evidence for conflict sensitivity in the ratio bias task. Journal of Cognitive Psychology, 27, 227-237.

Bonnefon, J.-F., Hopfensitz, A., De Neys, W. (2015). Face-ism and kernels of truth in facial inferences. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 19, 421-422. (commentaire)

Lubin, A., Simon, G., Houdé, O., De Neys, W. (2015). Inhibition, conflict detection and number conservation. ZDM : the international journal on mathematics education, 47, 793-800.

De Neys, W., Lubin, A., Houdé, O. (2014). The smart non-conserver: Preschoolers detect their number conservation errors. Child Development Research. doi:10.1155/2014/768186

De Neys, W. (2014). Conflict detection, dual processes, and logical intuitions: Some clarifications. Thinking Reasoning, 20, 169-187.

Bonnefond, M., Kaliuzhna, M., Van der Henst, J.B, De Neys, W. (2014). Disabling conditional inferences: An EEG study. Neuropsychologia, 56, 255-262.

De Neys, W., Feremans, V. (2013). Development of heuristic bias detection in elementary school. Developmental Psychology, 49, 258-69.

Van Lier, J., Revlin, R., De Neys, W. (2013). Detecting cheaters without thinking: Testing the automaticity of the cheater detection module. PloS ONE, 8, e53827.

De Neys, W., Bonnefon, J. F. (2013). The whys and whens of individual differences in thinking biases. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 17, 172-178.

De Neys, W., Rossi, S., Houdé, O. (2013). Bats, balls, and substitution sensitivity: Cognitive misers are no happy fools. Psychonomic Bulletin Review, 20, 269-273.

Trémolière, B., De Neys, W. (2013). Methodological concerns in moral judgment research: Severity of harm shapes moral decisions. Journal of Cognitive Psychology, 25, 989-993.

Lesage, E., Navarette, G., De Neys, W. (2013). Evolutionary modules and Bayesian facilitation: the role of general cognitive resources. Thinking Reasoning, 19, 27-53.

De Neys, W., Hopfensitz, A., Bonnefon, J. F. (2013). Low second-to-fourth digit ratio predicts indiscriminate social suspicion, not improved trustworthiness detection. Biology Letters, 9, 20130037. doi: 10.1098/rsbl.2013.0037

De Neys, W. (2012). Bias and conflict: A case for logical intuitions. Perspectives on Psychological Science, 7, 28-38.

Trémolière, B., De Neys, W., Bonnefon, J. F. (2012). Mortality salience and morality: Thinking about death makes people less utilitarian. Cognition, 124, 379-384.

De Neys, W., Glumicic, T. (2008). Conflict monitoring in dual process theories of reasoning. Cognition, 106, 1248-1299.

De Neys, W. (2006). Dual processing in reasoning: Two systems but one reasoner. Psychological Science, 17, 428-433.

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