Mathieu Cassotti
Université Paris Cité & IUF
Mathieu est professeur en psychologie du développement à l'institut de psychologie d’ Université Paris Cité et membre junior honoraire de l'Institut Universitaire de France. Il est également responsable de la mention de master « Psychologie de l’éduction et de la formation » et du parcours de psychologie du développement cognitif et social (DEV-Master). Il a obtenu un Master de psychologie cognitive à l'Université Paris Descartes en 2006 et réalisé une thèse au LaPsyDÉ sous la direction de Sylvain Moutier en 2010. Il a ensuite effectué un post-doctorat au Centre de Gestion Scientifique de l'École des Mines de Paris sous la direction d'Armand Hatchuel. Il a co-dirigé les thèses de Marianne Habib (2012), Ania Aïte (2013), Anaïs Osmont (2015), Anaëlle Camarda (2017), Lison Bouhours (2018) et Joy Desdevises (2021) sur le rôle des émotions et du contexte social dans la prise de décision et la créativité. Il a dirigé trois projet ANR sur la créativité (Idéfixe 2014-2017 ; AppLeaC 2028-2022 et Ad-ECO 2022-2025).
Camarda, A., De Neys, W., Ozkalp-Poincloux, B., Hooge, S., Le Masson, P., Weil, B., & Cassotti, M. (In press). Detecting fixation bias in creative idea generation: Evidence from design novices and experts. Creativity Research Journal. | |
Desdevises, J., & Cassotti, M. (In press). How do out-group and in-group competitions influence idea generation in creative problem solving? International Journal of Design Creativity and Innovation. | |
Kruse, J. A., Martin, C. S., Hamlin, N., Slattery, E., Moriarty, E. M., Horne, L. K., Ozkalp-Poincloux, B., Camarda, A., White, S. F., Oleson, J., Cassotti, M., & Doucet, G. E. (2023). Changes of creative ability and underlying brain network connectivity throughout the lifespan. Brain and Cognition, 168, 105975. | More |
Habib, M., Osmont, A., Tavani, J.-L., Cassotti, M., & Caparos, S. (2023). Is adolescence believed to be a period of greater risk taking than adulthood? International Journal of Adolescence and Youth, 28(1), 2242469. | More |
Osmont, A., & Cassotti, M. (2023). Development of Ambiguity Aversion from Early Adolescence to Adulthood: New Insights from the Ellsberg Paradox. International Journal of Behavioral Development, 47(1), 47–58. | |
Rezende, G., Le Stanc, L., Menu, I., Cassotti, M., Aïte, A., Salvia, E., Houdé, O., Borst, G.*, & Cachia, A.* (2023). Differential effects of mindfulness meditation and cognitive training on cool and hot inhibitory control in children and adolescents. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 235. | More |
Draperi, M.*, Aïte, A.*, Cassotti, M., Le Stanc, L., Houdé, O., & Borst, G. (2022). Development of cool and hot theory of mind and cool and hot inhibitory control abilities from 3.5 to 6.5 years of age. PLoS ONE 17(1), e0262251. | More |
Camarda, A., Bouhours, L., Osmont, A., Le Masson, P., Weil, B., Borst, G., & Cassotti, M. (2021). Opposite effect of social evaluation on creative idea generation in early and middle adolescents. Creativity Research Journal, 33(4), 399‑410. | |
Bouhours*, L., Camarda*, A., Ernst, M., Osmont, A., Borst, G., & Cassotti, M. (2021). How does social evaluation influence Hot and Cool inhibitory control in adolescence? Plos one, 16(9), e0257753. | More |
Osmont, A., Camarda, A., Habib, M., & Cassotti, M. (2021). Peers' Choices Influence Adolescent Risk‐taking Especially When Explicit Risk Information is Lacking. Journal of research on adolescence, 31(2), 402-416. | More |
Ezzat, H., Agogué, M., Le Masson, P., Weil, B., Cassotti, M. (2020). Specificity and Abstraction of Examples: Opposite Effects on Fixation for Creative Ideation. The Journal of Creative Behavior, 54(1), 115-122. | |
Salvia, E., Tissier, C., Charron, S., Herent, P., Vidal, J., Lion, S., Cassotti, M., Oppenheim, C., Houdé, O.*, Borst, G.*, & Cachia, A.* (2019). The local properties of bold signal fluctuations at rest monitor inhibitory control training in adolescents. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, 38, 100664. | More |
Aïte, A., Cassotti, M., Linzarini, A., Osmont, A., Houdé, O., & Borst, G. (2018). Adolescents’ inhibitory control: keep it cool or lose control. Developmental Science, 21, e12491. | |
Camarda, A., Salvia, E., Vidal, J., Weil, B., Poirel, N., Houdé, O., Borst, G., & Cassotti, M. (2018). Neural basis of functional fixedness during creative idea generation: An EEG study. Neuropsychologia, 118(A), 4-12. | More |
Camarda, A., Borst, G., Agogué, M., Habib, M., Weil, B., Houdé, O., & Cassotti, M. (2018). Do we need inhibitory control to be creative? Evidence from a dual-task paradigm. Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts, 12(3), 351–358. | More |
Bonnaire, C., Barrault, S., Aïte, A., Cassotti, M., Moutier, S., & Varescon, I. (2017). Relationship between pathological gambling, alexithymia, and gambling type. The American journal on addictions, 26(2), 152-160. | |
Osmont, A., Moutier, S., Simon, G., Bouhours, L., Houdé, O., & Cassotti, M. (2017). How Does Explicit Versus Implicit Risk Information Influence Adolescent Risk‐Taking Engagement?. Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, 30(5), 1093-1103. | More |
Ezzat, H.*, Camarda, A., Cassotti, M.*, Agogué, M., Houdé, O., Weil, B.*, & Le Masson, P.* (2017). How minimal executive feedback influences creative idea generation. Plos One, 12(6), e0180458. | More |
Cassotti, M., Camarda, A., Poirel, N., Houdé, O., Agogué, M. (2016). Fixation effect in creative ideas generation: Opposite impacts of example in children and adults. Thinking Skills and Creativity, 19, 146-152. | |
Cassotti, M., Agogué, M., Camarda, A., Houdé, O., Borst, G. (2016). Inhibitory control as a core process of creative problem solving and ideas generation from childhood to adulthood. New Directions for Child and Adolescent Development, 151, 61-72. | |
Agogué, M., Le Masson, P., Dalmasso, C., Houdé, O., Cassotti, M. (2015). Resisting classical solutions: The creative mind of industrial designers and engineers. Psychology of the Aesthetics, Creativity and the Arts, 9, 313-318. | |
Habib, M., Cassotti, M., Moutier, S., Houdé, O., Borst, G. (2015). Fear and anger have opposite effects on risk seeking in the gain frame. Frontiers in Psychology, 6, 253. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2015.00253 | |
Rossi, S., Cassotti, M., Moutier, S., Delcroix, N., Houdé, O. (2015). Helping reasoners succeed in the Wason selection task. PloS ONE, 10(4), e0123024. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0123024. | |
Habib, M., Borst, G., Poirel, N., Houdé, O., Moutier, S., Cassotti, M. (2015). Socio-emotional context and adolescents’ decision making: The experience of regret and relief after social comparison. Journal of Research on Adolescence, 25, 81-91. | |
Mevel, K., Poirel, N., Rossi, S., Cassotti, M., Simon, G., Houdé, O., De Neys, W. (2015). Bias detection: Response confidence evidence for conflict sensitivity in the ratio bias task. Journal of Cognitive Psychology, 27, 227-237. | |
Agogué, M., Kazakçi, A., Hatchuel, A., Le Masson, P., Weil, B., Poirel, N., Cassotti, M. (2014). The impact of type of examples on originality: Explaining fixation and stimulation effects. The Journal of Creative Behavior, 48, 1-12. | |
Aïte, A., Barrault, S., Cassotti, M., Borst, G., Bonnaire, C., Houdé, O., Varescon, I., Moutier, S. (2014). The impact of alexithymia in pathological gamblers' decision-making skills: A preliminary study on pathological gamblers recruited in an ecological setting. Cognitive and Behavioral Neurology, 27, 59-67. | |
Agogué, M., Poirel, N., Pineau, A., Houdé, O., Cassotti, M. (2014). The impact of age and training on creativity: a design-theory approach to study fixation effects. Thinking Skills and Creativity, 11, 33-41. | |
Osmont, A*., Cassotti, M*., Agogué, M., Houdé, O., Moutier, S. (2014). Does ambiguity aversion influence the framing effect during decision making? Psychonomic Bulletin Review, 22, 572-577. | |
Cassotti, M., Aïte, A., Osmont, A., Houdé, O., Borst, G. (2014). What have we learned about the processes involved in the Iowa Gambling Task (IGT) from developmental studies? Frontiers in Psychology, section Decision Neuroscience, 5, 915. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2014.00915 | |
Beaucousin, V., Simon, G., Cassotti, M., Pineau, A., Houdé, O., Poirel, N. (2013). Global interference during early visual processing: ERP evidence from a rapid global/local selective task. Frontiers in psychology, 4, 539. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2013.00539 | |
Borst, G., Poirel, N., Pineau, A., Cassotti, M., Houdé, O. (2013). Inhibitory control efficiency in a Piaget-like class-inclusion task in school-age children and adults: A developmental negative priming study. Developmental Psychology, 49, 1366-1374. | |
Aïte, A., Borst, G., Moutier, S., Varescon, I., Brown, I., Houdé, O., Cassotti, M. (2013). Impact of emotional context congruency on decision making under ambiguity. Emotion, 13, 177-182. | |
Poirel, N.*, Borst, G.*, Simon, G., Rossi, S., Cassotti, M., Pineau, A., Houdé, O. (2012). Number conservation is related to children's prefrontal inhibitory control: An fMRI study of a Piagetian task. PLoS ONE, 7(7), e40802. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0040802 | |
Borst, G., Poirel, N., Pineau, A., Cassotti, M., Houdé, O. (2012). Inhibitory control in number-conservation and class-inclusion tasks: A neo-Piagetian inter-tasks priming study. Cognitive Development, 27, 283-298. | |
Habib, M., Cassotti, M., Borst, G., Simon, G., Pineau, A., Houdé, O., Moutier, S. (2012). Counterfactually mediated emotions: A developmental study of regret and relief in a probabilistic gambling task. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 112, 265-274. | |
Aïte, A*., Cassotti, M*., Rossi, S., Poirel, N., Lubin, A., Houdé, O., Moutier, S. (2012). Is human decision-making under ambiguity guided by loss frequency regardless of the costs? A developmental study using the Soochow Gambling Task. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 113, 286-294. | |
Poirel, N., Cassotti, M., Beaucousin, V., Pineau, A., Houdé, O. (2012). Pleasant emotional induction broadens the visual world of young children. Cognition Emotion, 26, 186-191. | |
Cassotti, M., Habib, M., Poirel, N., Aïte, A., Houdé, O., Moutier, S. (2012). Positive emotional context eliminates the framing effect in decision-making. Emotion, 12, 926-931. | |
Beaucousin, V., Cassotti, M., Simon, G., Pineau, A., Kostova, M., Houdé, O., Poirel, N. (2011). ERP evidence of a meaningfulness impact on visual global/local processing: When meaning captures attention. Neuropsychologia, 49, 1258-1266. | |
Poirel, N., Simon, G., Cassotti, M., Leroux, G., Perchey, G., Lanoë, C., Lubin, A., Turbelin, M.-R., Rossi, S., Pineau, A., Houdé, O. (2011). The shift from local to global visual processing in 6-year-old children is associated with grey matter loss. PLoS ONE, 6(6), e20879. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0020879 | |
Cassotti, M., Houdé, O., Moutier, S. (2011). Developmental changes of win-stay and loss-shift strategies in decision making. Child Neuropsychology, 17, 400-411. | |
Cassotti, M., Moutier, S. (2010). How to explain receptivity to conjunction fallacy inhibition training: evidence from the Iowa Gambling Task. Brain and cognition, 72, 378-384. |